
APDFfileisorganizedusing·Anindextable,alsocalledthecross-referencetable,islocatedneartheendofthefileandgivesthebyteoffsetofeach ...,Thisisatoolforextractingfine-grainedlogicalstructures(suchasboundariesandtheirhierarchies)fromvisuallystructureddocuments(VSDs)suchas ...,2021年8月10日—BasicStructureofPortableDocumentFormat(PDF)·StructureofPDFFile·Header·Body·Cross-ReferenceTable·Trailer·Conclusi...


A PDF file is organized using · An index table, also called the cross-reference table, is located near the end of the file and gives the byte offset of each ...

GitHub - stanfordnlppdf-struct

This is a tool for extracting fine-grained logical structures (such as boundaries and their hierarchies) from visually structured documents (VSDs) such as ...

Basic Structure of Portable Document Format (PDF)

2021年8月10日 — Basic Structure of Portable Document Format (PDF) · Structure of PDF File · Header · Body · Cross-Reference Table · Trailer · Conclusion.

Structure of a PDF file? [closed]

2008年9月17日 — A PDF document is a data structure composed from a small set of basic types of data objects. Sub-clause 7.2, Lexical Conventions, describes ...

Introduction to PDF Structure Extraction

2022年1月14日 — With Structure Extraction, you get text in contextual blocks including headings, paragraphs, lists, footnotes and tables and other ...

Understanding PDF Vulnerabilities and Shellcode Attacks

2020年9月26日 — A PDF document consists of objects contained in the body section of a PDF file. Most of the objects in a PDF document are dictionaries. Each ...

4. Document Structure

This tree structure makes it faster to find a given page in a document with hundreds or thousands of pages. Good PDF applications build a balanced tree (one ...

An example of a simple PDF file structure that consists ...

An example of a simple PDF file structure that consists of one page that contains a single line of text: Hello World.#1: Represents the PDF header.

PDF file format

2022年11月13日 — The PDF file format has a basic structure that consists of a header, a body, and a trailer. The header contains information about the PDF ...